Brand Guidelines
Resources for presenting Pyro consistently and effectively.
Our name is Pyro, not "Pyro Host", "Pyro Hosting", or any other derivative. Such terms are not wholly accurate and will cause confusion among customers. Always capitalize the "P". Pyro is the name of our company and our platform. When referring to Pyro products or services, please capitalize them like proper nouns, like "Pyro Supercluster".
Ensure that Pyro assets always have enough space around them to maintain their integrity. Pyro's branding assets are proprietary and protected by trademark and copyright laws. Do not alter Pyro's branding assets in any way, or display them in a way that implies a relationship, affiliation, or endorsement by Pyro of your product, service, or company. Do not use Pyro's branding assets as part of your company name, logo, or product name, or combine them with any other graphics without written consent from Pyro.
Brand colors
Our brand colors are Pyro Amber, Cream White, and Mocha Brown.